The Label “Pit bull” Usually Refers to a Cross Breed. Kevin Dog News. There are many facts about pit bull dogs: 1- They come from violent beginnings The pit bull dog belongs to Great Britain, having two types that are the white English pit bull and the black-and-tan pit bull, used in fighting, blood sports as bull and bear- baiting in England, but when bating became illegal in … I mean, they really, really love people. It is good to note the German shepherd will bite harder and is ranked first. To see what cookies we serve and set your own preferences, please review our Cookie Policy. As terriers, it’s true that some pitties may be more tenacious about holding and shaking toys. Blue Nose Pittie Puppies and adult dogs all have nose pits colored blue. Nothing makes me laugh more than my dog Ralph throwing herself to the ground to roll around ecstatically in the grass, or my dog Radar hurling himself into a visitor’s lap demanding to be loved. As I like to say about my dog Radar, “He looks tough, but he’s only aggressive about snuggling.”. One of the things that’s fascinating about these puppies or adult dogs is the color of their blue nose that gives the dog its namesake. Fact #7: Pit Bulls are Used as Narcotic and Bomb Sniffing Dogs Intelligent, energetic, and blessed with a keen sense of smell, pit bulls have served for decades alongside law enforcement sniffing out drugs and explosives, undoubtedly protecting many lives. But because of their people-pleasing nature, pit bulls are imminently trainable. 1's on Billboard's Rap Albums charts. Thanks to years of misinformation and bad press, they’re among the most misunderstood dog breeds. Pit Bulls are commonly used as therapy dogs. 2. Talk about the irony of the situation. So, basically the bull is the adult male cow. 2. The actual number of dog bites in a community is rarely known because bites that don’t result in serious injury are not reported. Pit Bull isn’t a dog breed. The flip-side of all that energy and determination is that pitties can be willful, even stubborn. Bulls have one stomach with 4 chambers. And if you’re curious about the best harness for an exuberant pit bull who likes to pull, take a look at my recommendations for the best pit bull harnesses. Pitties tend to excel on agility or flyball courses where they can show off their strength and speed. Obedience training is a great way for dog owners to bond with their best friends while laying the groundwork for good manners. Pit Bullis actually a general term that means different things to different people. Most people though think that they have 4 stomachs. To learn more about pit bull puppies (and how to train them), see this piece. They make excellent therapy dog candidates. Thanks to their high energy, vivacity, love of life, and intense devotion to people, pit bulls are some of the most entertaining dogs in the world. Despite their troubled reputation, pit bulls are some of the most amazing companions around. In the early 20th century, pit bulls were revered as family dogs, mascots, and military heroes. It is a generic term often used to describe all dogs with similar traits and characteristics often known by the public as Pit Bulls. Let’s be honest: The pit bull mouth has gotten some bad press. Elisabeth Geier is a writer, teacher, and animal advocate with extensive animal handling experience and a soft spot for bully breeds and big orange tabbies. And if you’d like to take your pit bull obsession to the next level, see our guide to pit bull-themed gifts for the pibble lover in your life (even if it’s you). For that reason, they make great sporting dogs. Dog licensing and breed data are under-reported, so it’s impossible to know how many of a certain breed are in a community. For inspiration, look no further than the “Vicktory dogs,” a group of pit bulls rescued from a dog fighting operation run by NFL player Michael Vick. They consistently achieve excellent temperament scores, are successful as service dogs, therapy dogs, K9 police dogs, and as family pets. Here are 20 facts you didn’t know about pit bulls. Here are Fun Facts About Famous Pit Bulls. As many as 75% of mixed breed dogs in animal shelters, including Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes are misidentified as the wrong breed. Learn more about the incredible bond between pibbles and their people at Pit Bull Rescue Central. These dogs were bred and raised to be fighters and were horribly mistreated throughout their lives until fate (and the law) stepped in. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the only recognized pit bull breed, but the term “pit bull” is often used as a catch-all to describe a wide array of dogs with common characteristics. If you compare a Pit Bull skull to a skull of any other dog breed, you can see with the naked eye that both skulls share … Staffs, some may look like APBT’s, but might be … Pit Bull: What’s the Difference? You can read about more pit bull heroes here. To mark the occasion, we’ve gathered some of the most interesting, impressive, and surprising facts about pit bulls (plus a few unfortunate myths). The one coming out the quickest from the ‘pit’ would be the winner. Interesting Facts About Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls Facts 1) Did you know… Pit Bulls were originally bred in England in the 1860s to be used as herding dogs 2) 5% of all dogs registered in the US are … According to Best Friends Animal Society, in the years since their rescue, “many have earned their Canine Good Citizen certificate and are now adored family members in loving homes. For their immense popularity in the 1900's, Pit bulls were the official American mascot during WWI - Pit bulls were the most decorated American dog of WWI. As for bite statistics, a peer-reviewed report from the American Veterinary Medical Association confirms that  “controlled studies have not identified this breed group as disproportionately dangerous.” Dog bite reports do sometimes show a higher incidence of bites from pit bull-type dogs than many other breeds, but the experts at the AVMA agree that these statistics should be taken with a grain of salt for a few reasons: In recent years, as support for pit bulls has grown, veterinary and animal rescue professionals overwhelmingly agree: It’s not the breed that matters, but how a dog is raised and handled. Why are Pitbulls called Pitbulls? Tips, stories, and reviews for people who love dogs, powered by, the world's largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers. At first, it may seem that a Pitbull Terrier’s nose is no big deal for those who have little knowledge about the Blue Nose Pitties. Your email address will not be published. But once these sporting dogs made the crossing from England to the United States, they took on far more responsibilities and became true American icons. All you need to know about a Pit Bull’s Health All Pitbull dog breed information with pictures and interesting facts are fun to learn. Looking for interesting facts about pit bulls? 8 Pit Bull Facts Every Dog Lover Should Know, Ken Foster’s beautiful book “I’m a Good Dog”, “Vicktory dogs,” a group of pit bulls rescued from a dog fighting operation run by NFL player Michael Vick. Our website uses cookies. Pit bulls are among the most hotly disputed animals in the world, spurning scorn from critics and infallible adoration from supporters. To some, it’s simply a synonym for the American Pit Bull Terrier. In general, pit bulls stand out for their excellent health and low predisposition to degenerative and/or hereditary pathologies. He received the purple heart, was promoted to sergeant, and lived to a ripe old age in retirement alongside his handler. One of the most insidious and outrageous myths about pibbles is that they have “locking jaws.” Not true: there is nothing anatomically unique about pit bull jaws compared to any other dog. (1) Pit bulls are not Cuban. Ken Foster’s beautiful book “I’m a Good Dog” continues to climb the charts, and National Pit Bull Day has been established in their honor. Some went on to become service dogs or therapy dogs.”. As with any dog, it’s important to know how to read your pit bull’s signals in any situation. 40 Terribly Interesting Facts About Pit Bulls The Pit Bull is, without a doubt, the most misunderstood dog breed. In fact, the locking jaw mechanism is not true and anyone can escape from their jaws if one is smart. As noted by respected pit bull rescue organization BADRAP, “dogs commonly identified as pit bulls are quite often a mix of multiple breeds.” This results in shelters being full of bully dogs who may or may not be “pit bulls,” but can have a harder time finding homes due to the name and bad press. Some even served in the military or featured in films as man’s best friend. The truth about pit bulls is simple: They’re sweet, smart, hilarious, loyal companions. There are a lot of attention-grabbing info about Pit Bulls, a canine breed that has lately develop into very underrated. Who to Blame for Pit Bulls’ Ferocious Nature, The Celebrity Pit Bulls Hero of All Times, Pitbull vs German Shepherd: Who should be a New Addition to Your Family, Pitbull Vs Rottweiler: Everything You Need to Know About Breeds, National Dog Day 2021 -The Day to Make Your Dog Feel Extra Special, National Puppy Day 2021 – Ways to Celebrate and Unconditional Love of Your Puppies. Another interesting fact about pit bulls is that they do not bite as hard as assumed. The American Staffordshire Terrier is strong, muscular, and stocky, with a broad head and full cheeks. Notwithstanding the American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier, different breeds here and there recognized as Pit Bulls incorporate the Bull Terrier, Dog Argentina, Japanese Tosa, Dogue de Bordeaux, and the Bulldog. Here’s an interesting dog fact for you: pit bulls … Cardigan Corgi vs. Pembroke: What’s the Difference? Pit bulls have an incredible capacity for joy. The term is usually used to refer to one or several different bully breeds, including the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier (also known as Amstaff dogs), English Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the Bull Terrier. Whether you’re a pit bull owner or just a dog enthusiast, you can learn a lot from our pittie pals. The truth about pit bulls is simple: They’re sweet, smart, hilarious, loyal companions. Here are ten interesting facts about Pit bulls that just might be a little surprising. Bos taurus means that bulls are kettles. For this reason, it’s essential to evaluate the individual dog rather than the breed. Like most terrier-type dogs, different pitties have different tolerance levels for other animals. This brave boy, a likely pit bull predecessor, served alongside human soldiers in the trenches in France during World War I. Well, you came to the right place because we’re here to throw down some pit bull 101! To others, it refers to a group of breeds that includes the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and … These lovable pups can have black, brown, blue, liver, fawn, white, red, or brindle coats. Some pitties absolutely love to play with other dogs, and some would prefer to be the only pet in your life. During World War I, pit bull-type dogs represented American forces on posters and in the field. Sign up and get $25 off pet sitting and dog walking! And we’re not the only ones who think so. Of course, I’m also aware of their troubled reputation. To break truth from myth, here I've compiled a quick list of 25 Pit Bull facts, interesting tidbits and other information dog lovers or future adopters may want to … “Pit bulls” can look vastly different from each other (via flickr/cedartree_13). Others may have a higher prey drive, which paired with their tenacity, makes them a bad match for cats. NYC Subway Bans Dogs Unless They Fit into a Bag. That doesn’t mean every pit bull-type dog is aggressive towards other animals, but it does mean that your pit bull needs socialization, training, and monitoring to assess their tolerance levels. Their recovery demonstrates the incredible spirit and resiliency of pit bulls. Share Tweet. They are not inherently aggressive dogs. Pit bulls, as we know them, probably descended from the Olde English Bull Dog, which was used for sport (“bull baiting“) in 19th century England. 10 Interesting Facts about Pit Bulls Pit Bulls are filled with several qualities.They make good loyal companions and are friendly dogs of medium to large size.They are gentle and affectionate dogs and they do get along well not only with children but with other pets too.Here are some interesting facts about Pit Bulls. As with any breed of dog, exercise and engagement are key for pit bulls, too. Pibbles are the original “velcro dog.”, The most common misconception about pit bulls is that they all have the capacity for aggression towards people, but temperament studies show that pitties rank high among the most affectionate, least aggressive dogs. In ratting, pit bulls were left in the pit full of rats. Here are 35 facts to help you understand this amazing dog. The pit bull is the only breed to have graced the cover of Life Magazine three times Pitbull-type dogs make outstanding canine citizens and are loving companions in millions of U.S. households. These Big Dog Owners Accepted the Challenge. Interesting Facts About Pit Bulls The American Pit Bull Terrier (also known as the Pit Bull) causes much confusion to the public. Some may be game bred (from fighting lines), some may be registered show dogs, some may be Am. Well, you came to the right place because we’re here to throw down some pit bull 101! Remember, that little is known about the background of rescue dogs. The Secret Lives of Beagles: Your Complete Guide to Owning a Beagle. The Pitbull descends from an English bull-baiting dog that would bite and hold bulls and other large animals around the head and face. Just Watch These Border Collie Puppies Meet Sheep for the First Time, 9 Surprisingly Dangerous Foods for Dogs (Starting with Popcorn). A Pit may weigh anywhere from 30-60 pounds and have a height of 17-23 inches at the shoulder. It is believed that Pit bulls got their name from the fact that they were used for ratting after bear baiting was banned in England. Dogs recognized as pit bulls are actually a cross breed of bulldogs and terriers. In annual testing conducted by the American Temperament Test Society, pit bulls passed at a rating of 86.4%, higher than popular breeds such as golden retrievers, corgis, and beagles. These fights would often take place in pits! Learn 50 facts about Pitbull. Whether they are visiting a senior care facility or helping someone recover from an emotional accident, Pit Bulls are making a mark as outstanding therapy dogs. Due to diverse, unregulated breed standards across dog registries, as well as the unfortunate excess in “backyard breeding,” it’s very difficult to claim one true standard for a pit bull (though you can read about APBT standards here). Pit Bull, often-misspelled ‘pitbull’, is a term used to refer a range of bully breeds. Then they came to the U.S. with the settlers. First, many people have long-held beliefs that this dog loves to fight. Staffordshire Bull Terrier vs. Interesting Facts About Pit Bulls: The Things You May Not Know – Another interesting fact about pit bulls is that they have amazing smiles, and no, they don’t have locking jaws. While it’s tempting to look at any short, muscular dog with a lightbulb-shaped head and label it a pit bull, it’s likely that dog has a lot more going on genetically. ... Fun fact, while these pups did originate in these countries, they are now officially banned in England and in Wales, and have been banned from these countries since the early ’90s. They Are Social, People Loving Dogs. Pit Bulls on TV, Movies, and Print The pit bull was so respected in the early 1900s that the military chose an image of a dignified pit bull to represent the country on World War I propaganda posters. Pit bull dogs are tenacious: When they put their mind to something, they often achieve it. So do you need a pet dog pit- bull for your family or as a companion? In fact, one of the most misunderstood things about it is that it’s not really a dog breed at all. Because of their people-pleasing nature, pit bulls are imminently trainable. After bull baiting was deemed inhumane, Olde English Bull Dogs were cross-bred with terriers to create smaller, more scrappy dogs for fighting. 1. International music sensation Pitbull has sold millions of digital singles scored two No. 1. However, for every fear-mongering article about dog attacks there is a heartwarming tale of a loyal pet from someone who truly understands the nature of pit bulls. Bulls are a kind of really powerful animal. German Shepherds and Rottweilers actually have a more powerful bite. The latter is a myth because there is nothing anatomically different from the jaws of a pit bull compared to other dog breeds. In the past 80 years or so, the perspective of these dogs changed completely and now, pit bulls are seen as dangerous and scary. Their loyalty and bravery made them the perfect “spokesdog.”. The breed of the biting dog may not be accurately reported (and remember: “pit bulls” are often misidentified). To piggyback on fact number five: Pit Bulls also don’t have the strongest bite among all dog breeds. This handy guide from BADRAP covers the basics of dog-dog tolerance, and what to look for when assessing whether your pit bull can hang with other dogs. Shelters are full of cute bully dogs labeled as pit bulls, but in fact, there are far fewer actual pit bulls than you may think. Pit Bulls were on the front of Life Magazine multiple times – more than some other puppy. Its “rose” ears (in which the top folds over and back) are sometimes cropped short. “Pit Bull” is NOT a breed. How Do Dogs Choose Their Favorite Person? I’m a pit bull person myself, and I know firsthand what a joy it is to share my life with these goofballs. Pit bulls used to be one of the most beloved breeds out there starting in the army recruitment posters of the First World War. 5: Okay, this is creepy but interesting. The female bull is named cow. Although Pit Bulls are found in all colors, the white breed generally suffers from hearing problems. They love to snuggle, cuddle, roll over for belly rubs, crawl in your lap if you’ll allow it, and stay as close to you as possible all day long. And we’re not the only ones who think so. These days, pit bull heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and responsibilities, from explosive-sniffing search dogs to therapy dogs. A bull is intact of the species of Bos taurus. Hence the name Pitbull. Let’s be trustworthy, lots of people have a detrimental notion about Pit Bulls. However, their skin is more sensitive than other races, so they are more susceptible to developing; allergies, inflammations and skin diseases. For some inspiration, check out this list of popular pit bull names for your puppy or rescue. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our use of cookies. Most of the time, when people talk about Pit Bulls, they are referring to the American Staffordshire Terrier – an AKC recognized breed – specifically. MYTH: Pit Bulls have locking jaws. This article is addressed to owners of any “Pit Bull” type dog including American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and Pit mixes. Take Sergeant Stubby, for example, the most decorated dog to have served in the U.S. military (source: FIGHT4THEM). To celebrate, we are sharing some lesser-known facts about pit bulls in the hopes everyone will see pit bulls for what they are—normal, loving, animals. 11. They originally were bred in England, a cross between the English Bulldog and various terrier breeds. Pit Bullis actually a general term that means different things to different people. Disney’s Live-Action Lady and the Tramp is Here! Ken Foster’s beautiful book “I’m a Good Dog” continues to climb the charts, and National Pit Bull Day has been established in their honor. The more popular a type of dog is, the more likely it will be reported for biting, which can skew the accuracy of attempts to “rank” bite statistics by breed. Looking for interesting facts about pit bulls? Let’s find out more about them! The truth about pit bulls is simple: They’re sweet, smart, hilarious, loyal companions. Breed Facts 10. Log in. When bulldog breeds were developed in England, they were trained to spar with one another, and unfortunately, dog fighting persists as a dark (not to mention illegal) pastime in America. Pit Bulls hail from Britain. But when it comes to information, … Ten Facts About Pit Bulls Every One Should Know 1. Pit bulls are among the most lovable dogs in the world. Pit bulls were bred for a brutal lifestyle in Great Britain. Reality: Pit Bulls do not have any special physical mechanism or enzyme that allows them to “lock” their jaws. Perfect “ spokesdog. ” great way for dog owners to bond with their tenacity, makes a. Strongest bite among all dog breeds, or brindle coats say about my dog,! Enthusiast, you came to the right place because we’re here to throw down some pit bull mouth gotten. Was deemed inhumane, Olde English bull dogs were cross-bred with terriers to smaller! A higher prey drive, which paired with their best friends while laying the groundwork for good manners sizes., too and various Terrier breeds different pitties have different tolerance levels other... Bull” type dog including American pit bull dogs were cross-bred with terriers to create smaller, more scrappy for! 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