). On the blog, I go over propagation and care tips for this beautiful succulent - make sure to read it! Pruning and propagation: Snip the strings if they become too long and remove the leaves closest to the cut end from the stem. There are different methods to propagate the string of hearts plant. On the other hand, plants are stronger than we’d think… what I’m trying to say is, I’d just go ahead and try if it was me. The pot should get adequate sunlight for the plant to grow properly. String of Hearts, Ceropegia woodii, is just one of many species in the genus Ceropegia that are grown as ornamental houseplants.Native to southern Africa, from Zimbabwe to eastern South Africa, this tender perennial plant in the milkweed subfamily (Asclepiadoideae) of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) is sometimes classified as C. linearis subsp. But unlike a lot of houseplants, they also appreciate a few hours of direct sun, since they are naturally found in the southern parts of Africa where there is plenty of light to go around. Voilà! Can I trim some of the strings, root them and then stick them back into the same pot? Water less in the winter, when “String of Hearts” is dormant. But the tuber already had roots when I planted it in soil. 13. Single node variegated string of hearts propagation success! You need a little patience, but the first roots will soon appear. The growing season of spring and summer shows ideal results for the propagation of this plant. This propagation method is popular as it is quite easy to carry out. Sorry about the late reply, how are the cuttings now? String of hearts plant is beautiful, creeping, flowering succulent. There have been some dramatic twists and turns (see photo captions below for details), but I’ve ultimately ended up with 3 separate potted plants. String of a Million Hearts Propagation: String of a million hearts plants are extremely easy to propagate! Hey all. I had the questionable idea to put my original string of hearts (and one propagation) into the sunroom right before winter. By: Author Mod and Mint. Good luck! Place the tuber in a pot with soil. But as this will still leave several notches until the next leaves I was wondering, does the cutting need to have leaves to root? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My most successful propagation! You can make as many new plants and gift it to your beloveds. I often find little pieces of plants (leaves, stems, etc.) 1 variegated SOH is starting to root fine, but the other one seemed like it was starting to rot at the end, plus the leaves came off when in contact with the water after a few days (leaf was not submerged in water). This how-to shows a combo of photos from both the test and second round propagation. Thank you! Article by Sacred Elements. The tubers developed on the stem or the beads can be taken with a vine for propagation. What you do need is a plant that has produced tubers and a fast draining soil mix. This unusual beauty with heart-shaped foliage, hence the name, came with me when I moved from Santa Barbara to Tucson. Not sure what kind of soil a string of hearts needs? String of hearts ♡ Propagation. How did you trail the string of hearts…is that a wire or anything else. I’m hoping I didn’t do something wrong and mess up my cuttings! See comments for more! brommom smithton, MO(Zone 5a) Feb 01, 2005. my plant produced some seeds and i just found them...are they hard to start from seed?...i have never divided my plant but would be more than happy to start some for yall thanks for the help cindy Post #1268028. String of hearts ♡ Propagation. Hi! Propagation by tubers. It’s best to use the “soak and dry” method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Unlike the other “string” plants, string of pearls plant is toxic. Water: What I LOVE most about this plant is that it’s pretty easy to tell when it should be watered.Look at the hearts near the crown of the plant. It was not root and a leaf popped off. woodii. I'm Lorie and I wrangle plants in a muddy, feral shade garden in the Pacific Northwest. I only have a few seeds and I want to give them the best chance of germinating as possible. Sounds like a green thumb runs in your family! Thanks! Required fields are marked *, © Copyright 2020 Lorie Ransom. I love this plant but would love for the leaves to be alot bigger and just a little more spaced out. The String of Hearts is a trailing succulent-type plant with long slender stems. After the vines have rooted you can pot up your plant as described in the. I’ll have to pay extra attention to the floor next time I’m at the garden center What a great (and economical way) to propagate new plants! As you can see, I used the second method of laying the stems flat on the soil. All done! Let’s first talk about those 2 methods first. this post was very helpful, thank you. But what do you do when your string of hearts (also known as Ceropegia woodii) gets a little too long or too scraggly? Good luck with your propagations and thank you for your kind words! Privacy Policy Terms of Service. You’re welcome Jenny – good luck with your new cuttings! Variegated String of Hearts Overview. Trim off the leaves if there are any. are your planter pots with thick volume of strings due to repotting these cuttings back into the same pot, or will the plant develop more like this? If you’re struggling with getting enough direct sunlight for your plants, especially during wintertime, you can look into getting a grow light to help. This project falls into the category of “let’s just try it and see”. Thankyou. It’s quite a long vine, I’m wondering if I cut it in a few pieces, leaving a few leaves on each piece and put them all in water, is there a chance they might all root? Congrats on your string of hearts – happy propagating! String of Hearts Care Contents: 1. You can even let plants stay almost completely dry until the growing season rolls back around. Variegated String of Hearts Propagation. Propagating and caring for this plant isn't that difficult. Just snip off the vines the way you prefer. To propagate a string of hearts using the tuber method, try to find the largest tuber that’s on the plant. While they appreciate some, they’re not as demanding, so can be kept in drier areas in the house that other houseplants may not tolerate as much. As always, you should keep plants away from pets and children, just to play it safe. My Hoya, a cousin to the String Of Hearts, has grown like crazy so it’s time to repot that soon. If you want to remove the tuber from the main vine, try to at least leave some foliage on it. I’m ready to give my now 5ft String Of Hearts a nice cut so I can propagate & fill the top out, then let it grow long again (plus make a cpl of small/cute mixed succulent arrangements for our 3 girls & my mom). Take care. A fingernail-sized specimen would be a great option. How to Care for and Propagate your String of Pearls Plant. Once you get it, you will need to pin it down to a pot that contains the cactus as well as succulent mix. I would root only short bits of vine though, not more than 6 inches long, so if your trimmed piece is long I would trim it down further. It’s the ideal hanging plant, with its heart shaped leaves growing on thin vines that can eventually trail for feet and feet. I hollowed out individual holes with a pencil – this way I can more easily pull them apart later. So these guys are hanging in there despite the abuse, and in fact I’m trying a new propagation method where I simply bury the vine ends under soil in another planter. I hope what I've learned along the way can be useful to you too. Keeping my fingers crossed…. I also just love the look of pretty glass vases all around the house. The string of pearls propagation method also works for string of bananas and string of hearts plants. Variegated String of Hearts is a popular hanging plant for its lovely appearance and vining nature. In humans, it causes nausea and vomiting, so wear gloves when working with this plant. Have a look at the propagation category on Houseplant Central for more propagation inspiration. – can I propagate no problem being there are some purple “buds” towards the bottom of my SOH ( + I feel they make those hearts stay small longer/not grow as fast ) vine? Where to Plant. This guy is the cutting donor, and usually hangs in the kitchen window – we ventured to the sunroom for the photoshoot. This propagation method is similar to that of string of pearls, another hanging succulent which can be a lovely addition to your indoor garden. The String of Hearts, or as it is officially called the Ceropegia Woodii, is very easy to handle. String of hearts, also commonly known as chain of hearts, rosary vine, hearts on a string, and Ceropegia woodii (its scientific name), is an easy-to-grow trailing vine that is loved by many in the houseplant community. The point at which a leaf attaches to the stalk is a node (even if it doesn’t look like much), so that is where the roots will develop. I propagated some cuttings in soil and have been misting them daily for about 3 weeks, and now most are showing some roots and new growth. It’s not recommended to use fertilizer during the winter when the plants aren’t growing as fast. Hi! Early fall is fine too if you’re in a warmer climate. This post made me laugh out, btw . Just cut good sized portions off the main plants stem and put these in a moist, well-draining soil mixture. Therefore all of the Variegated String of Hearts … Learn how your comment data is processed. So if yours is doing the opposite, it could be getting too much light. How to propagate String of Hearts. Hi! Special notice on this Variegated String of Hearts: Due to the high demand of this species, we need to take cuttings for propagation very regularly.